LDG Photos

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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Dan & Mary
Dan & Mary are two of the loveliest people you ever want to meet!
Loveliest means: Inspiring love or affection; enjoyable; delightful!
They are certainly all of these and more.
They make you believe in love all over again!
Mary unwraps a gift from her soon-to-be husband,
delivered by the Best Man and soon-to-be new son.
A quick hug for support before heading down the aisle!
Nerves can get the best of us at times...
but then the smiles come shining through!

Hurry Up! It's really cold out here, even if it is June!
Okay, the guy with the beard...he's a mascot for a NFL team! Can you guess which one? 
Fantastic way to start a new life together, surrounded by lots of love!

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