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Friday, March 30, 2012

Why Penguins Waddle
(According to Lori)

This past winter, I had a problem with my shoulder in which I couldn't move my arm very well. As it progressed, I couldn't even swing it back and forth while walking as one normally does. One day, while holding my arm close to my body and walking, I realized that I was kind of waddling. Kind of like a penguin! So I tested this theory out a little more by walking with swinging arms and without. Of course, one can walk straight without swinging their arms but it gives us a natural balance & rhythm to our stride.

So this epiphany hit me: this must be why penguins waddle, they can't swing their fins, only flap them!

Epiphany - a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential 
meaning of something, usually initiated by  some simple, homely, or 
commonplace occurrence or experience.

Pay close attention at 0:38 in the video.

I have absolutely no scientific evidence to support this idea 
but if you know of any, please let me know.

Oh, and just for the record, my arm is back to normal so I'm not waddling anymore!

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