LDG Photos

LDG Photos serving Upper Michigan and Northeast Wisconsin. Call (906) 428-4361 for more info!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Let us eat cake and celebrate... 

Recently, I've wondered if being a photographer has meaning. It's not like we're rushing into fires or saving lives . But then, not everyone is destined to be a hero.

Each of us can make a difference in our normal everyday life. We may not even realize it at the time. For example...

How can photography make a difference in someones life? A new study has shown, predictably enough, that someone undergoing a medical procedure will experience less pain by holding a loved one's hand. Surprisingly, holding a photo of a loved one during the procedure was even more effective!

So next time something hurts, take out that photo of someone close to you and the let the power of photography (and your loved one) help you through it.

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