LDG Photos

LDG Photos serving Upper Michigan and Northeast Wisconsin. Call (906) 428-4361 for more info!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Inspires You?

What Inspires You?

What wakes you up each morning?  The alarm clock? The dog? Kids?

What wakes me up and propels me out of bed each day is photography. There is really no explanation for it. Friends & family don’t always understand it. Photography consumes me. I truly eat, breath & sleep photography.  Many days will find me reading about it while eating lunch and I often find myself holding my breath as I snap “just one more” image. Sometimes images come to me during sleep or I awake with new ideas. Eat. Breathe. Sleep.

The following image came about in a dream weeks before it was taken.  I knew this young man and realized he was going places when he graduated.  This image portrayed his desire to explore the world.  He went to China shortly after this was taken.

Photography inspires me every day.  I encourage you to find what inspires you!

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